Teacher Externships - Bringing Industry Skills Into The Classroom
by Kendle Crowell
Teacher Externships - Bringing Industry Skills Into The Classroom
In our current economic state, pressure is mounting to better equip our students with the skills they need to join the workforce and fill critical needs of local employers. The value of training up our youth to fill local job openings is clear, but how do we ensure students are prepared for what it’s truly like to work out in the field? Relationships between teachers and industry partners are key to these efforts. Although CTE teachers have their own industry experience and are content experts within the sector they teach, industry trends are constantly evolving, so the best place to be brought up to date on those trends is back out in the field. This is where a Teacher Externship comes in.
How Does an Externship Work?
Externships are a means to providing teachers with an intimate understanding of what the industry looks like today (current practices, work conditions, standard equipment/hardware/software being used, etc.) and what skills their students will need in order to be competitive in that environment. Teachers get the opportunity to work side-by-side industry professionals in actual work settings, giving teachers a glimpse into a day in the life of that profession. This immersive experience equips teachers with the knowledge they need to enhance their curriculum with the most up-to-date industry standards.
Understanding career options
Another great benefit of an externship is learning about different careers within an industry sector. Students in a medical program may only be considering becoming a doctor or nurse, but when their teachers can share with them the vast array of jobs at our local hospitals, for example, that could make a tremendous difference in a student’s career trajectory. Employers know best when it comes to their current and future job needs. Tapping into that knowledge through an externship better prepares students for the variety of career options that exist in their back yards.
Our teachers are committed
We all know that a teacher’s work never ends. There is no clocking out when it comes to supporting students and preparing them for success after high school. Summer break is normally the best chance for them to unwind and unplug, but our teachers are committed to learning and growing for their students, even during their summer vacations! During the prior two summer, teachers from across the region participated in multi-week externships brushing up on their Aviation and Engineering skills at General Atomics Aeronautical Systems and ComAv. This year, three teachers from Hesperia Unified participated in summer externships, but more than a dozen requested placement at a local industry site. You read that right - they requested to take time out of their summers to brush up on their skills. Unfortunately, COVID restrictions prevented all of them from finding industry hosts, but the eagerness of these teachers truly speaks to the impact these experiences can have!
During summer 2018, four CTE teachers from three school districts (Apple Valley, Hesperia, & Victor Valley) completed a multi-week externship with General Atomics.
Summer externships - 2020
In July, three externships took place with industry partners at The Southwest Carpenters Union, Kranbox Video & Photography and Grand Mobil. Through these experiences, teachers identified skills needed in the occupations observed and developed strategies to bring those skills back into their classroom instruction. Here’s what one teacher had to say about her experience:
“I learned so much. It was such a great experience! I’m feeling so inspired and can’t wait to share with my students.”
Industry partners also benefit from these experiences. They now have an “in” with students. The teachers become advocates for these companies within the classroom, impacting the next generation of industry talent. In addition to gaining some free man/woman power on the job site, they get to learn more about all the amazing things taking place in CTE classrooms, gain an understanding about local teacher and student talent, and provide input into the skills students master in the classroom. Through these experiences, strong relationships are built between education and industry. We hope all involved gain a deeper appreciation of the opportunities that await them through opportunities such as externships, job shadowing, fieldtrips, guest speaking, etc. These relationships are at the core of a CTE program’s success and prime the pump for companies to acquire highly skilled talent.
Industry’s role
So many industry partners can relate to the journey of a high school student; they were once there themselves, after all. The value of someone from the “real world” sharing their experiences and offering a hand up to the next phase of life is not lost on them.
“When I was working my way into my career, I was very appreciative when someone would let me shadow them, answer questions or give advice. I understand how helpful that can be so I want to be able to help others when I can.”
We know there are many other industry partners in our region, like Tessa, who would gladly help our CTE teachers and students, they just need to understand how it all works, what their role is, and how to get started. If this sounds like you, please contact MDCP. We’ve provided a link below to get started. We can help your business come up with a game plan to seize economic opportunities and attract locally trained talent through a variety of touch points, including teacher externships. Pretty soon, your business will be a household name and graduates will be seeking you out.