MDEP Essential Skills Booklet Released!

We’ve released our MDEP Essential Skills booklet!


Over the past 10 months, MDEP team members collated skill lists from a diverse variety of sources including K12 CTSOs (Career Technical Student Organizations), the Community College curriculum known as the New World of Work, government agencies, industry partners, publications, etc.  The collated lists were presented to industry and other community stakeholders at several large meetings as well as online.  Overall, roughly 300 partners across the High Desert weighed in on which skills were most critical.  After receiving this feedback, MDEP gave priority to what industry and workforce development partners indicated as most important, dividing the 40-50 skills that remained into six general categories.  Recently, we took the skills within these and wrote descriptors for each.  We want to present them in a single document that could be used for new employees, students about to enter the workforce, or as a resource for any coursework that touches job/career preparedness.  It is one of a series of potential resources that may be coming.


And as a bonus, check out our infographic on searching for a job during social distancing:


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